This is Why You Sneeze so Many Times in a Row

When certain nerves in the nose are stimulated by an irritant, a message is sent to the brain to get the gunk out ASAP. Signals go out to muscles in the chest, abdomen, vocal cords and the back of the throat, telling them to work together to expel the irritants from your airways, according to Nemours.

What Causes Sneezing Fits?

2. It's Allergies

Often the culprit is an allergen that isn't well managed. "If you're getting exposed to an allergen over and over again, you'll be prone to sneeze attacks more often, as you may not be able to clear your nasal passages in one go," Dr. Gangani says.

Also, here's one to file under weird-but-true facts: Some people are photic sneezers, meaning they sneeze or experience a prickling sensation in the nose in response to sudden bright light (like sunshine). While the condition itself isn't harmful, photic sneezing can post potential risks — like a sneeze attack that occurs while driving out of a dark tunnel on a bright day, notes Medical Genetics Summaries. Wearing sunglasses or a hat is usually enough to keep sneezing in check.

Can You Stop Sneeze Attacks?

Never-ending sneezes can be annoying and disruptive, especially in social settings. Plus, the more you sneeze, the more likely you are to send your germs flying toward others. So is there anything you can do to stop them?

Don't Hold in a Sneeze

Some people find they can curb a sneeze by pinching their nose. But trying to stop it isn't a good idea.

"You should let your sneezes happen naturally," Dr. Gangani advises. "By holding it in, it could lead to increased pressure in your nasal cavity, lungs and airways that could damage blood vessels in your eyes, nose or eardrums."

Plus? If your body is trying to get rid of a germ, holding it in increases the chance that the bacteria or virus ends up making you sick, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

People with certain health conditions could experience more serious side effects from stopping a sneeze. Those with high blood pressure could also experience nosebleeds, and those with emphysema may even develop pneumothorax, a life- threatening condition where air gets trapped between the layers of the lungs, Dr. Gangani notes.

That said, you may be able to slash your sneeze attacks by addressing the underlying cause:

1. Avoid Triggers

If you notice certain odors, foods or dry air seem to start your sneezing, avoiding those triggers can help, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

2. Manage Allergies

If you suspect that your sneezes are allergy-related, make an appointment with an allergist. They can help you pinpoint your irritants and recommend medications and lifestyle changes to get your symptoms under control.

The Best Way to Sneeze

Whether you're sneezing once, twice or 10 times in a row, it's worth doing your part to keep your sneeze droplets from reaching others.

"Practicing good sneezing etiquette is very important, as it will help cut down on the spread of germs," says Dr. Gangani. "Sneeze droplets can linger in the air and on surfaces and infect others."

The best method is to sneeze into a tissue while fully covering your mouth and nose, recommends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Afterward, toss the tissue in the trash and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. "Or rub your hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer for at least 20 seconds," Dr. Gangani says.

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