Cant Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up to Pee? Try These 5 Hacks

And there are many reasons why a person might awaken with the urge to pee specifically, says sleep specialist Michael Breus, PhD. Drinking caffeinated beverages or sipping alcohol too close to bedtime are common culprits: They're both mild diuretics, meaning they help the body get rid of extra fluids.


If your sleep is disturbed so regularly that it interferes with everyday functioning, visit your doctor to determine if a sleep disorder like insomnia is to blame, per the Mayo Clinic.

2. Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation

"This is by far one of my favorite things to get people to try when lying awake in the middle of the night," Breus says.

As the name implies, progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that can ease muscle tension and help you relax.

Here's how to do it, according to the Cleveland Clinic:

  1. Starting at your toes, tightly tense the muscles in your feet for five seconds.
  2. Release the tension and relax the muscles.
  3. Continue the same pattern with every muscle group in your body (focusing on one at a time) until you make your way up to your forehead.
  4. Take slow, deep breaths along the way.

3. Do Deep Breathing

To achieve a peaceful state of slumber, your heart rate should be slow and relaxed, approximately 60 beats or less per minute, Breus says.

That means you'll have to calm down your heart rate to fall back asleep, and deep breathing like the 4-7-8 breathing method will help you get there, he says.

Here are the basics of this breathing technique:

  1. Slowly inhale for 4 seconds.
  2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  3. Slowly exhale for 8 seconds.
  4. Repeat this cycle five to seven times.

4. Distract Yourself With a Quiet Activity

Distraction techniques are another helpful tool. Instead of focusing on falling asleep, Breus recommends doing a non-stimulating activity like listening to relaxing music or meditating.

One of his favorite distraction methods for quieting an overactive mind is counting backward from 300 by threes. "The task is complicated enough that it will keep your mind occupied, and it is so doggone boring you won't be able to think about anything stressful," Breus says.

Whatever you choose to do, just make sure that your exposure to light is minimal, he says. Once you flip on the lights, your brain will switch to morning mode and you'll become more alert (which is exactly the opposite of what you need to fall back asleep).

5. If All Else Fails, Get Out of Bed

Because your heart rate quickens when you rise from bed (basically, your body thinks it's ready to wake up and start the day), this strategy should only be used as a last resort.

For example, if you've been lying in bed quietly for a while say, a half hour or so and you're still wide-awake feeling annoyed or frustrated, getting out of bed might be a better option, Breus says. Remember: Feeling stressed only elevates your heart rate, which is not conducive for sleep.

In this case, a change of scenery can help reset your brain and restore the connection between your bedroom and sleep, he says.


Need some extra help hitting the hay after midnight awakenings? Try these sleep apps to help you get the best rest possible.

Why Are You Waking Up in the Middle of the Night?

The above tricks don't just come in handy when you can't fall back asleep after waking up to pee. They can also help you drift off if you're awakened for other reasons.

Here are some of those common causes of sleep disturbance:

1. Your Blood Sugar Is Low

Wake up at 3 a.m. alert and ready to go? It might have something to do with your blood sugar.

When you sleep, your body is essentially fasting for eight-ish hours. But if your blood sugar drops and your brain believes you've run out of fuel, it'll start producing the stress hormone cortisol to kickstart the metabolic process, Breus says.

In other words, your body will feel hungry and wake you up to eat.

Snacking before sleep could help, although what you eat before bed matters. Some healthy options include plain yogurt with low-sugar granola, cottage cheese on whole-wheat crackers and air-popped popcorn.

2. Youre Overheating

Waking up sweaty is another source of sleep disruption. For sound shut-eye, the optimum room temperature is approximately 65 degrees. Anything that makes our body's thermometer rise (heavy blankets, for example) will rouse us from sleep.

Indeed, higher temps let the body know it's time to get up and move around, Breus says.

Overheating at night and hot flashes in general are especially common in people going through menopause. This surge in body heat, which happens as a response to a drop in estrogen, can sabotage your slumber, Breus says.

3. You Had a Nightmare

A disturbing dream can undoubtedly disrupt your sleep.

Indeed, between 2 and 8 percent of people have nightmares that produce sleep problems, and up to 85 percent of adults report experiencing an occasional nightmare, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stop nightmares and feel more rested.

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