Pacifiers or Thumbsucking: which is Worse?

Month 5, Week 2

Babies suck to soothe themselves, which is why many infants depend on pacifiers or thumbs when they aren't nursing or taking a bottle. Some parents are anti- pacifier, worried that their children will need braces or that the habit is hard to break. If your child is used to a pacifier, try phasing the pacifiers out after six months.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Sucking a pacifier while sleeping may lower your baby's risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  • Neither are perfect: Pacifiers can increase the risk of ear infections, but thumb-sucking can add germs to your baby's mouth.
  • Thumbs are lower maintenance, because babies know how to find them in the dark. Some babies cry in the middle of the night when the pacifier falls out.
  • As long as your child gives up their habit before their permanent teeth come in, their smile should be fine.
  • Try to keep the pacifier in the crib and limit its use to nap and night time. During the day, babies should be exploring their developing voices and babbling more.

Your Baby's Development This Week

No.111 - Purge Impurities

Your roly-poly little one may be about to master a new skill: rolling over. Many babies lying on their stomachs will roll onto their backs for the first time this month. Some roll over slightly later, and some flip from back to stomach first – both are perfectly normal.

Here's what else to expect from your little mover and shaker:

  • Once they roll in one direction, babies quickly learn to roll in both directions.
  • When your baby kicks their legs, "swims" with their arms, or rocks back and forth during tummy time, they are preparing themselves to crawl.
  • Your baby can use their hands to bring objects to their mouth. They might even grab an ankle and taste their own toes!

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