Prep for Low Blood Sugar

If yours checks 'whole blood,' a glucose reading under 70 mg/dl is low. On a newer meter that monitors 'plasma glucose,' 80 mg/dl or lower means lo...

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Blood Sugar Highs and Lows

Check your blood sugar if you notice these symptoms. 'If your blood sugar is in the 300s or 400s, call your doctor,' she says. Some diabetes medici...

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Glossary of Diabetes Terms

Fructose: A type of sugar found in many fruits and vegetables and in honey; fructose is used to sweeten some diet foods, but this type of sweetener...

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Heart Disease and Diabetes

The more health risks factors a person has for heart disease, the higher the chances that they will develop heart disease and even die from it. So,...

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Do Shots Make You Squeamish?

Even if you don’t mind getting a shot from someone else, giving yourself one can make you anxious. Usually, it's about the needles, and the worry w...

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