Natural Remedies for Hair Loss and Thinning

Hair loss can affect your self-esteem, appearance, and confidence. You may feel powerless over your own body, but the truth is there’s a lot you can do to slow or even reverse your hair loss.

The right natural remedies for hair loss may depend on the actual reason why your hair is thinning, so it’s important to talk to a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

Better Hair Care

No matter why your hair is falling out, it’s important to adopt an appropriate hair care routine in order to reduce breakage and help the hair you still have to remain full and healthy. Try these helpful hair care strategies:

  • Avoid putting your hair into very tight ponytails and similar styles. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, this can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia, which pulls the hair out of its root.
  • Try sleeping in a satin cap or with a satin pillowcase, to avoid pulling or breaking the hair at night.
  • Reduce the use of hot styling tools, which can break the hair. Harsh dyes and bleaches may also cause breakage.
  • Experiment with conditioners and other hair products to help keep the hair moisturized and reduce breakage.
  • Decrease washing your hair to 3 times a week or less.

Vitamins and Supplements

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Abraham Armani, MD, a hair restoration surgeon and hair loss expert in Dallas, Texas tells ishonest Connect to Care that several vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss which includes:

  • Iron: In premenopausal women, iron deficiency is a leading cause of hair loss.
  • Vitamin D: Low vitamin D can cause your hair to thin.
  • Zinc: Without enough zinc, the hair may break or fall out.
  • Selenium: Low selenium levels can cause hair loss but Armani says this is a relatively uncommon cause of thinning hair.

Gary Linkov, MD, a hair loss expert and plastic surgeon, says that biotin, which is part of the vitamin B family, can also support stronger hair growth. Supplements containing biotin may improve hair growth even if a person is not biotin deficient. Some experts advocate Biotin at 10mg daily.

You can get tested for vitamin deficiencies by your doctor with just a simple blood test. Be aware that if you are taking Biotin, you will want to stop it a few days before getting any blood work as it can skew results for many blood tests.

Treatment for Underlying Conditions

Treating underlying medical conditions may also help answer a lot of your questions surrounding hair loss. Conditions like hypothyroidism are known to play a huge role in hair loss. This can also be said for certain drugs, hormonal imbalances, and even stress. Properly managing these medical conditions may slow hair loss, or even reverse it entirely.

Get Help Now

While home hair loss remedies can work, it is important to know why you are losing your hair before beginning any home treatments. Don’t delay medical care, since doing so may cause more hair loss and make it more difficult to find an effective treatment. Get help today.

Read more on: connect to care, hair loss