User Reviews for Vitamin D
Comments & ratings on the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of vitamin d.
Most voted positive review
455 People found this comment helpful
I live in sunny SoCal so the sun or my body's processing of vit D wasn't doing such a good job. For approximately 2 years I had been experiencing general body aches and pains. It got to the point where I could barely walk at night due to excrutiating pain in both feet upon getting out of bed to use the bathroom. My doctor took blood tests (but not for vit D), sent me to a rheumatologist. Nothing...
Most voted negative review
43 People found this comment helpful
Unsure what to do? Diagnosed as having hypothyroidism about 1 yr ago. Taking synthroid. Feeling so tired and muscles fatigue and ache so easily. Just found out my Vit D level is 10(range 30-50) TSH alittle off too. Dr is increasing synthroid but wants me to take 50000u of Vit D 2x a week for 12 weeks. After reading other peoples posts, I am really concerned about all the side effects : ( I don't w...
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