
If they start in the ventricles, or lower chambers of your heart, they’re called ventricular. Doctors also group them by how they affect your resti...

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What is Bradycardia?

Some conditions cause the heart to beat too fast or to flutter. You may simply have a slower-than-normal heart rate that doesn’t cause any symptoms...

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What Happens in Surgery

A nurse places an IV line in your arm so the doctor can give you fluid and medicine during your operation. When it's time for your surgery, you're ...

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Home Health Care Tips

Do a combination of aerobic exercise to get your heart pumping (like walking or swimming), resistance exercises to build and maintain your muscles ...

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What's Normal Aging?

You have a lot of say-so in how you feel as you grow older -- from your heart and eyes to your skin and bones. You might also notice that you’re no...

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Dos and Don'ts of Drug Safety

While experts used to recommend flushing old medication down the toilet, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends against this because ...

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Facts and Fiction of Cloning

'Twins are clones.' Griffin is assistant director of the Roslin Institute -- the lab in Edinburgh, Scotland, where Dolly the cloned sheep was creat...

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