Psoriasis Health Center

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition caused by an overactive immune system. Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to ...

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Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis is a skin disease. You can get pustular psoriasis on its own or with another kind of psoriasis called plaque psoriasis. Note the...

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Types of Psoriasis

This type of psoriasis may go away within a few weeks, even without treatment. This type of psoriasis can cause severe illness from protein and flu...

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Psoriasis Questions Answered

And the person who has psoriasis as a young adult usually didn't have childhood eczema,' High says. Scientists are still tracking down which genes ...

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What is Plaque Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects about 8 million Americans. People with psoriasis tend to have other conditions that cause inflammation, li...

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