Skin Conditions: Teenage Acne

Almost all teens get acne. The exact cause of acne is not known, but hormones called androgens can play a role. Some medications (for example, andr...

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Adult Acne is Treatable

“Most of the over-the-counter products involve salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, which are good for whiteheads and pustules, but not so much for...

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Understanding Acne Basics

It occurs in both sexes, although teenage boys tend to have the most severe cases. The simple truth is that heredity and hormones are behind most f...

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Understanding Acne Treatment

Microdermabrasion has little effect on acne itself, but is effective in combination with lasers. Like many over-the-counter and prescription produc...

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Acne Health Center

Acne may be mild (few, occasional pimples), moderate (inflammatory papules), or severe (nodules and cysts).

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