L-ARGININE - Uses, Side Effects, and More
Sildenafil (Viagra) interacts with L-ARGININE
Sildenafil can lower blood pressure. L-arginine can also lower blood pressure. There is a chance that taking sildenafil and L-arginine together might cause blood pressure to go too low. But most people seem to be fine when taking these products together.
Medications for high blood pressure (ACE inhibitors) interacts with L-ARGININE
L-arginine might lower blood pressure. Taking L-arginine along with medications that lower blood pressure might cause blood pressure to go too low. Monitor your blood pressure closely.
Medications for high blood pressure (Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)) interacts with L-ARGININE
L-arginine might lower blood pressure. Taking L-arginine along with medications that lower blood pressure might cause blood pressure to go too low. Monitor your blood pressure closely.
Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with L-ARGININE
L-arginine might slow blood clotting. Taking L-arginine along with medications that also slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.
Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with L-ARGININE
L-arginine might lower blood sugar levels. Taking L-arginine along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely.
Isoproterenol (Isuprel) interacts with L-ARGININE
L-arginine seems to decrease blood pressure. Isoproterenol is a drug that is used to lower blood pressure. Taking L-arginine along with isoproterenol might cause your blood pressure to go too low.
Water pills (Potassium-sparing diuretics) interacts with L-ARGININE
L-arginine might increase potassium levels in the body. Some "water pills" might also increase potassium in the body. Taking L-arginine along with some "water pills" might cause too much potassium to be in the body.
Testosterone interacts with L-ARGININE
L-arginine might increase testosterone levels. But it's not clear if this is a big concern. People taking testosterone should be cautious until more is known about this potential interaction.
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