Clogged Arteries (Arterial Plaque)

Articles On Causes of Coronary Artery Disease

Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood rich in oxygen throughout your body. They go to your brain as well as to the tips of your toes. Healthy arteries have smooth inner walls and blood flows through them easily. Some people, however, develop clogged arteries. Clogged arteries result from a buildup of a substance called plaque on the inner walls of the arteries. Arterial plaque can reduce blood flow or, in some instances, block it altogether.

Clogged arteries greatly increase the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and even death. Because of these dangers, it is important to be aware, no matter how old you are, of the causes of artery plaque and treatment strategies to prevent serious consequences.

What causes arterial plaque?

Plaque that accumulates on the inner walls of your arteries is made from various substances that circulate in your blood. These include calcium, fat, cholesterol, cellular waste, and fibrin, a material involved in blood clotting. In response to plaque buildup, cells in your artery walls multiply and secrete additional substances that can worsen the state of clogged arteries.

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As plaque deposits grow, a condition called atherosclerosis results. This condition causes the arteries to narrow and harden.

Although experts don’t know for sure what starts atherosclerosis, the process seems to stem from damage to the lining of the arterial wall. This damage, which enables the deposition of plaque, may result from:

Other risk factors include family history, stress, sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Knowing your family history is critical.

Plaque often starts to develop during the childhood or teenage years. Then clogged arteries develop in middle age or later.

What are the dangers of arterial plaque and clogged arteries?

It depends on where arterial plaque accumulates. Clogged arteries in different parts of the body can lead to multiple medical conditions, including:

Do clogged arteries cause any symptoms?

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In many instances, clogged arteries do not cause any symptoms until a major event, such as a heart attack or stroke, occurs.

At other times, especially when the artery is blocked by 70% or more, the buildup of arterial plaque may cause symptoms that include:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Weakness or dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Sweating

The first symptom, chest pain, is also called angina. It may result from reduced blood flow to the heart. That reduced blood flow is caused by plaque in the arteries leading to the heart.

Clogged arteries in carotid artery disease may cause stroke precursors known as transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs. TIAs may produce the following symptoms:

  • Sensation of weakness or numbness on one side of your body
  • Inability to move an arm or a leg
  • Loss of vision on one side only
  • Slurring of words

Clogged arteries in peripheral artery disease may cause:

  • Leg pain
  • Delayed healing of injuries to the feet
  • Cold feet
  • Gangrene

Are there tests for clogged arteries?

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Yes. There are several tests for clogged arteries. Your doctor will determine which tests to prescribe based on your symptoms and medical history. The tests may include:

  • Cholesterol screening
  • Chest X-ray
  • CT scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Echocardiogram and/or cardiac stress test
  • Electrocardiogram
  • MRI or PET scanning
  • Angiogram

How are clogged arteries or arterial plaque treated?

There are a variety of prevention and treatment options for clogged arteries. What your doctor prescribes to reduce arterial plaque and prevent clogged arteries will depend on the severity of your condition and your medical history. Your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following:

1. Lifestyle changes. A healthy lifestyle is essential for the management of arterial plaque and treatment of clogged arteries. This includes:

  • Eating a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol, with less sugars and simple carbohydrates, and rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Not smoking
  • Exercising regularly
  • Managing stress levels
  • Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol down
  • Maintaining low blood sugars

2. Surgical or interventional procedures. In some instances, surgery may be necessary to treat clogged arteries and prevent additional arterial plaque accumulation. These procedures may include:

  • Stent placement. A small tube called a stent, which may contain medication, can be placed in an artery to maintain adequate blood flow. A catheter is used through the artery of the leg to reach the heart, and a stent is put in place through the catheter in the area of the blockage.
  • Bypass surgery. In this operation, arteries from other parts of the body are moved to bypass clogged arteries and help oxygen-rich blood reach its target destination.
  • Balloon angioplasty. This procedure helps open clogged arteries that have become partially or fully blocked by opening up the blockage with a device that pushes the plaque to the side walls of the arteries.

3. Medications. A number of medications may help control some of the factors that contribute to the accumulation of arterial plaque. These include:

  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Blood pressure-lowering drugs
  • Aspirin and other blood- thinning drugs, which reduce the likelihood of dangerous blood clot formation

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