High-Frequency Hair Treatment: Benefits and How it Works

  • What Is High-Frequency Treatment For Hair?
  • How Does The High-Frequency Treatment Promote Hair Growth?
  • High-Frequency Hair Treatment Procedure And Duration
  • How Often Should You Carry Out This Treatment?
  • What Are The Benefits Of High- Frequency Hair Treatment?
  • High-Frequency Hair Treatment Side Effects
  • Who Should Avoid The High-Frequency Hair Treatment?

What Is High-Frequency Treatment For Hair?

The high-frequency treatment is an intensive hair therapy used to treat hair loss, hair thinning, dandruff, and alopecia. It uses ultra-violet and high- frequency rays to stimulate the hair follicles. The treatment boosts blood supply to the hair follicles, drawing nutrients to the roots, encouraging hair growth.

The high-frequency hair treatment machine is a transparent rod-like tool with two different removable knobs or combs that generate electrical stimulation at a frequency of 250,000 Hz when it touches the scalp.

A glass bulb is fixed to the high-frequency rod during treatment to expose the scalp to high-frequency rays. This treatment can also be used on the face and body to treat pimples and acne scarring.

The high-frequency treatment is relatively new and lacks scientific backing regarding its benefits. All claims of the machine improving hair growth are purely anecdotal.

In the next sections, let’s understand how this treatment works.

How Does The High-Frequency Treatment Promote Hair Growth?

The treatment uses electricity to boost hair growth. Animal studies suggest that electrical stimulation can trigger hair growth (1). However, more research and human trials are required to understand the effectiveness of high-frequency scalp treatments.

The high-frequency treatment promotes hair growth in three different ways:

  1. It stimulates the hair follicles, promoting faster hair growth.
  2. It improves blood circulation to the scalp, allowing nutrient delivery. This nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth.
  3. It improves cell turnover rate, minimizes dandruff, keeps the scalp healthy, and maintains overall hair health.

The high-frequency hair treatment is done under the guidance of a professional trichologist. Here is what you can expect during the treatment.

High-Frequency Hair Treatment Procedure And Duration

This high-frequency hair treatment takes about 50 minutes. You may need multiple sessions for the best results.

How Often Should You Carry Out This Treatment?

Usually, the doctor suggests at least 10-12 continuous sessions, twice or thrice a week. Depending on the result, the treatment frequency may reduce from once or twice a week to once every fortnight. You may need to continue the treatment to maintain your hair health.

Besides hair growth, this microcurrent treatment can offer a slew of hair benefits.

What Are The Benefits Of High-Frequency Hair Treatment?

As per anecdotal evidence, high-frequency hair treatments can improve scalp and hair health in the following ways:

1. Protects The Hair From Dandruff And Itchy Scalp

The high-frequency microcurrents produced by the machine stimulate the scalp and activate the sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum, a natural substance that moisturizes the scalp and kills bacteria (2). Both actions can eliminate dandruff and scalp itchiness that leads to hair loss.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the heat generated by the device eliminates bacteria and other pathogens from the scalp.

2. Slows Down Hair Thinning

The high-frequency scalp treatment prevents dead skin cell accumulation and circulates oil throughout the scalp. This rejuvenates the hair follicles, making them stronger and more resilient to hair fall and thinning.

During the treatment, the scalp massages improve blood flow to the scalp and increase hair thickness (3).

3. Promotes Relaxation

The treatment process requires frequent head massages and hair steams. This soothes the scalp and promotes relaxation. The high-frequency hair treatment is relatively safe. However, it may cause a few side effects.

High-Frequency Hair Treatment Side Effects

Consult a doctor before opting for high-frequency hair treatment. Not everyone is eligible to undergo this treatment.

Who Should Avoid The High-Frequency Hair Treatment?

Avoid high-frequency treatment if you:

  • Have any autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis
  • Have pacemakers or any large metallic implants in your body
  • Are pregnant

High-frequency hair treatment is a relatively new procedure that stimulates the hair follicles, improves blood circulation, and increases hair growth and thickness. As there is not much information about the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor and proceed with caution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does high-frequency therapy shrink pores?

Yes, if used on the face, this treatment can shrink enlarged pores and prevent acne.

Read more on: hair, treatment