Digital Mammograms: a Clearer Picture

Articles On Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the U.S, second only to skin cancer. Improved screening tests and treatment techniques are saving lives.

The most common screening method is the mammogram. It uses X-rays to scan your breasts. The images are checked for anything irregular, and doctors also look for changes from previous tests.

The images were recorded on film for many years. But now digital mammograms can store and analyze the information using a computer.

How Do They Work?

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The method of getting mammogram images is the same for both types. A technician positions your breast between two plates, and flattens and compresses it. They then takes images of your breast from top to bottom and side to side. It can be uncomfortable, but the entire process takes about 20 minutes.

Film mammograms are saved on hard files. With the digital kind, the X-rays are turned into electric signals that can be stored in a computer. It’s similar to the way digital cameras take and store pictures.

How Well Do They Work?

The two different types are well-matched in accuracy, research suggests.

  • Under age 50
  • Had dense breasts
  • Hadn't yet gone through menopause, or had been in menopause less than a year

If you fall into one of these groups, talk with your doctor about having a digital mammogram.

What Are the Potential Benefits of Digital?

Most mammogram facilities in the U.S. now have digital capabilities. But If you can't get the digital kind, that doesn’t mean you should skip getting a film mammogram.

Also, 3-D mammography is available at some centers.

If you're at high risk for getting breast cancer, you might also benefit from an annual MRI in addition to a yearly mammogram.

Read more on: breast cancer