Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Gaining Weight
1. Alfalfa Tonic:
This is available in most homeopathic drug stores under some name or another. This derivative of the alfalfa herb is known to be helpful in the production of fat and reduction of tissue waste. According to animal studies, it increases appetite and improves digestion, nourishing a healthy body and a healthy mind, which leads to weight gain (1), (2)!
2. Lycopodium:
This humble plant becomes a wonderful remedy for a lack of appetite when the spores are crushed and treated by trituration and succussion. Digestive imbalances are corrected by this product made with the Lycopodium clavatum plant (3). If you have not been able to gain weight due to weakening liver function, Lycopodium will work for you for sure.
3. Calcarea Phosphorica:
f you have suffered from a wasting disease that took a toll on your health, Calcarea phosphoric is a homeopathic medicine for gaining weight. For anemic children, this is a good treatment plan for feeble digestion or even difficulty in joining fractured bones (4).
4. Aloe Socotrina:
If you are suffering from abdominal problems like the sensation of fullness or heat or gurgling sounds and cutting pain during bowel movements, then this is the ideal medicine (5). Aloe socotrina is also helpful in reducing nauseous feelings and aversion to food. This can help you eat properly and gain weight.
5. Condurango Q:
Apart from the loss of appetite, there are other reasons for not gaining weight normally, for example, pain in the stomach due to ulcers or vomiting soon after eating can prevent weight gain. You might even feel constriction in the esophagus with a constant burning pain behind the breastbone. Condurango is a good remedy for all these problems.
6. Arsenicum Album:
Do you suffer from pain or burning sensation in the abdomen after eating certain foods or during fever? If yes, then you can take this homeopathic medicine for relief. According to a study done on mice, administration of Arsenicum Album helps alleviate these symptoms and lets you eat without worry, which allows the body to gain weight (6).
7. Pulsatilla:
There are only a very few things that are more embarrassing than hearing your stomach gurgling loudly during a meal! Sometimes, after eating warm or fatty food, you may feel a pressing pain or pulsation in your stomach. A mild dose of Pulsatilla can solve all of that. If you feel any pain or as if a stone is passing through your gut, you can take this medicine too. Once, the pain eases, eating wont feel like a chore and youll be able to gain weight.
8. Chelidonium Majus:
Lack or loss of appetite along with general sluggishness is sometimes the sign of a liver problem. This may happen due to serous secretions and bilious complications, which generally occur during pregnancy. But after that, you may feel a nagging bitter taste in your mouth, loss of appetite, or burning weight in the liver. This can be remedied by Chelidonium majus. This herb also has the potential to combat liver cancer (7)
9. Chininum Arsenicicum:
Some people seem to rush to the bathroom each time they eat! Chininum Arsenicum is a great homeopathic remedy for diarrhea which occurs right after eating or if the food seems to pass without complete digestion. All of these problems can have adverse effects on your health and prevent proper weight gain. It may also treat a general lack of appetite, acidity, and vomiting.
10. Ignatia Amara:
Some people binge eat when they are upset and anxious, others develop an aversion to food! If you belong to the latter category, you may be in danger of developing eating disorders and indigestion, which can create a nutritional imbalance in the body. If you want to gain weight and combat these symptoms, try Ignatia Amara (8)!
If you thought losing weight was frustrating, you will be surprised to know several hundreds of people find gaining weight no less than an uphill task! If you are one of those who are forever trying new diets to fatten yourself up, try these homeopathic meds for effective results!
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