Lean Body Mass Calculator Using Boer Formula


While we keep fussing about body weight, very few of us give importance to Lean Body mass which demands equal attention for leading a long healthy life. Lean body mass is directly associated with your BMR. Hence, greater the LBM, greater the BMR which ultimately strengthens the body and guards it against obesity and common health related issues.

This useful tool helps to measure your Lean Body Mass in a few easy steps by using certain details such as gender, height, weight etc. It also helps to keep track of your LBM on a constant basic

What is lean body mass?

Lean body mass is a measure of the weight of your blood, bones, ligaments, tendons, internal organs and muscles minus your fat weight. Due to the presence of necessary fat within the bone marrow and internal organs, lean mass does include a small amount of essential fat.Having a high percentage of lean mass boosts your metabolism so it's easier to maintain an overall healthy weight.

How to calculate lean body mass?

There are multiple ways of determining lean body mass through mathematical formulas. We are using the Boer formula, which is considered to be the most accurate.


where W is body weight in kilograms and H is body height in centimeters.

Lean body mass chart

Lean body mass usually ranges from 60 to 90 percent of body weight. A woman with a lean body mass percentage of less than 68 percent would be considered unhealthy, as would a man with less than 75 percent lean body mass. Refer to the LBM chart for a better idea.

Is lean body mass the same as muscle mass?

Though the two terms are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. LBM is inclusive of Muscle mass and your bone and bodily fluid mass. Whereas, Muscle Mass is the weight of your muscles which include the cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscles.

How do I increase lean body mass?

Here are 5 useful tips to increase lean body mass:

  1. Dont crash diet: Crash diets are rarely a quick solution to fat loss. Extreme diets increase muscle protein breakdown and result in almost five times the loss of lean body mass. It is wiser to cut down on your calorie intake by about 800 to 1,000 calories which will help you to lose up to 45 percent of your fat.
  2. Time your Protein intake: Your body builds lean body mass through protein at different rates throughout the day. As per our body systems protein breakdown happens more in the day. An evening high protein meal keeps you going a long way and curbs the urge to binge on calories.
  3. Have a pre and after-work out snack: Prior to and after completing your workout, go for a combination of protein and carbohydrates. The pre-workout snack fuels and prepares your body for the workout. The after- work out snack resupplies your body with energy exhausted during the exercise and provides protein to repair your muscles.
  4. Exercise: Include two to three days of strength training and weight lifting each week. Aim for a mix of isotonic and isometric exercises in your fitness regimen to increase lean muscle.
  5. Add a Protein supplement to you regular diet: Muscles need proteins to fuel their growth. A protein shake or protein bar boosts your progress in gaining lean body mass.

What foods to avoid when trying to gain muscle?

Hitting the gym is not enough, look at what you are eating before you measure your progress. Your diet plays a crucial part in determining your muscle gains.

Heres a list of foods that hinder muscle development:

  1. Too much protein shake is not good as the body will then tend to convert the excess protein into fat and not muscles.
  2. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol not only disturbs the way your body makes protein but also slows down muscle recovery. Plus, the excess carbohydrates only help to reverse your progress.
  3. Sugary foods that are high in fat and low in protein are better avoided.
  4. Whereas lean natural meats and fish make for a solid diet, processed meats are no good.
  5. No junk food. While they maybe tempting, consuming these foods may inadvertently hinder your progress.

How long does it take to build lean muscle?

Lean muscles can be built through consistent weight lifting and strength training sessions and by providing your body with the fuel and nutrients necessary to heal and grow. However, men are likely to notice faster results than women as they are pumped by testosterone and the growth hormone. But if you are consistent with your workouts and follow a systematic muscle building routine, you should start to see results in about six to eight weeks. More time will be necessary to see more significant changes in your muscle sizes.

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