Key to Getting a Bigger Butt While Staying Skinny
Get a big booty and small waist by maintaining a healthy diet, following a cardio and total body strength exercise program and doing targeted butt exercises.
Muscle-Building Basics
Resistance training causes tiny tears in the the muscle fibers. After exercise, the body repairs the damaged muscle fibers, and the muscles grow bigger and stronger in the process. How big they grow is a matter of genetics, your diet, your workout regimen and other factors. If you're skinny now, adding a little muscle won't change that.
Keys to Staying Skinny
Exercise and a healthy diet are the keys to staying skinny. Doing regular cardiovascular exercises helps burn calories and fat, and a big booty diet requires following a nutritious calorie-controlled food plan to prevent weight gain.
Best Butt Exercises
When it comes to building your behind and getting rid of a exercises-shape-tone-booty/' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' >skinny booty, some exercises are better than others. These four exercises have been scientifically studied by the American Council on Exercise and proven to be the best of the bunch.
Squats: Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart. Slowly bend at the knees and hips, sending your hips back and down as if sitting down into a chair. Keep your shoulders back and your torso erect. Come down until your thighs are at least parallel with the ground; then rise up to standing. Contract your glutes at the top — that's crucial.
You can do squats without weight to start, and then gradually add weight via dumbbells or barbells. Do three sets of eight to 12 reps. Use a heavy enough weight that your glutes feel fatigued by the last rep of each set.
Step-ups: Position a box or weight bench in front of you. Place your right foot on the bench. Transfer your weight into that leg and press yourself up to standing using only the right leg. Squeeze your glutes at the top. Step down and repeat for eight to 12 reps. Switch sides.
Add weight to step-ups by holding a dumbbell in each hand, or holding them overhead for even more of a challenge.
Quadruped hip extensions: From hands and knees, contract your core muscles and keep your spine neutral. Lift your right leg up, and keep the knee bent at a 90- degree angle. Flex your foot and lift your leg until your right thigh is about parallel with the floor. Lower the leg without touching down the knee; then repeat. Do eight to 12 reps; then switch sides.
Add weight by tucking a dumbbell behind the knee of the working leg.
Lunges: Take a big step forward with your right foot. Bend both knees to 90 degrees, making sure your front knee doesn't extend past your front ankle. Lower down until your back knee is a few inches above the ground; then rise back up. Repeat for eight to 12 reps on each side.
Read more on: skinny